Agenda item

To consider Notices of Motion Submitted under Standing Order B36



1.  It was moved by County Councillor Nikki Hennessy and seconded by County Councillor Matthew Tomlinson that:


Liverpool has been selected as the host City for the 67th Eurovision Song Contest. Following the war in Ukraine, Britain opened its doors to welcome thousands of Ukrainians into our communities and homes in Lancashire.


Lancashire has a proud tradition of warmly welcoming refugees from all parts of the world and is proud of the way communities have welcomed and supported our Ukrainian visitors.


These people have been, and continue to be, an inspiration to all of us having left loved ones to fight against the aggression of Putin.


This Council resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotherham, and the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, asking them to provide 'free' complimentary tickets to Ukrainian refugees from Lancashire for events in and around Eurovision 2023.


The following friendly amendment was proposed by County Councillor Peter Buckley, in accordance with Standing Order B42:


Liverpool has been selected as the host City for the 67th Eurovision Song Contest. Following the war in Ukraine, Britain opened its doors to welcome thousands of Ukrainians into our communities and homes in Lancashire.


Lancashire has a proud tradition of warmly welcoming refugees from all parts of the world and is proud of the way communities have welcomed and supported our Ukrainian visitors.


These people have been, and continue to be, an inspiration to all of us having left loved ones to fight against the aggression of Putin.


This Council resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotherham, and the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, and the Mayor of Liverpool City Council asking them to provide 'free' complimentary tickets to Ukrainian guests and their sponsors from Lancashire for events in and around Eurovision 2023.


This Council also resolves to ask Officers to explore the use of Homes for Ukraine Funding provided to Lancashire County Council, to support Ukrainian communities in Lancashire to establish and host their own events on and around the night of the Eurovision final.


The friendly amendment was accepted by County Councillor Hennessy and became the substantive motion.


The substantive motion, as amended by County Councillor Buckley's friendly amendment, was then put to the vote and was CARRIED. It was therefore:


Resolved: - That:


Liverpool has been selected as the host City for the 67th Eurovision Song Contest. Following the war in Ukraine, Britain opened its doors to welcome thousands of Ukrainians into our communities and homes in Lancashire.


Lancashire has a proud tradition of warmly welcoming refugees from all parts of the world and is proud of the way communities have welcomed and supported our Ukrainian visitors.


These people have been, and continue to be, an inspiration to all of us having left loved ones to fight against the aggression of Putin.


This Council resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotherham, and the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, and the Mayor of Liverpool City Council asking them to provide 'free' complimentary tickets to Ukrainian guests and their sponsors from Lancashire for events in and around Eurovision 2023.


This Council also resolves to ask Officers to explore the use of Homes for Ukraine Funding provided to Lancashire County Council, to support Ukrainian communities in Lancashire to establish and host their own events on and around the night of the Eurovision final.


2.  It was moved by County Councillor Azhar Ali and seconded by County Councillor Jean Parr that:


170,000 people carry the 'Just Can't Wait Card' across the Country including in Lancashire where the number is rising. Thousands of people across Lancashire suffer from illnesses/conditions which can be debilitating ranging from incontinence to stoma surgery. These conditions can lead to them needing the emergency use of toilet facilities urgently.


The Bladder and Bowel community have established the 'Just Can't Wait Toilet Scheme' which enables people to carry a card and enables businesses and organisations to allow emergency access to toilet facilities.


People have told the Bladder and Bowel Community that they are trapped in their own homes due to the lack of public toilets and the fear of being caught short. There are over 14 million people in the UK living with a bladder condition and 6.4 million with a bowel condition with thousands suffering across Lancashire desperately in need of emergency access to toilet facilities.


Therefore, this Council resolves:


(i)  That Lancashire County Council becomes a partner for the 'Just Can't Wait Card' scheme and commits to making all Lancashire County Council public buildings accessible for those carrying this card.

(ii)  To promote the scheme to other Local Authorities in Lancashire, partners and businesses, including via social media.


The following friendly amendment was proposed by County Councillor Michael Green, in accordance with Standing Order B42:


170,000 people carry the 'Just Can't Wait Card' across the Country including in Lancashire where the number is rising. Thousands of people across Lancashire suffer from illnesses/conditions which can be debilitating ranging from incontinence to stoma surgery. These conditions can lead to them needing the emergency use of toilet facilities urgently.


The Bladder and Bowel community have established the 'Just Can't Wait Toilet Scheme' which enables people to carry a card and enables businesses and organisations to allow emergency access to toilet facilities.


People have told the Bladder and Bowel Community that they are trapped in their own homes due to the lack of public toilets and the fear of being caught short. There are over 14 million people in the UK living with a bladder condition and 6.4 million with a bowel condition with thousands suffering across Lancashire desperately in need of emergency access to toilet facilities.


Therefore, this Council resolves:


(i)  That Lancashire County Council commits to a campaign, including social media, to raise awareness with its staff and across Lancashire of the 'Just Can't Wait Card' scheme and commits to making all Lancashire County Council public buildings, where practical, accessible for those carrying this card.

(ii)  To ask the Scrutiny Management Board to consider how we might further promote the scheme and request that the Leader makes the next Lancashire Leaders meeting aware of this motion by placing it on the agenda and asking them to give it their support.


The friendly amendment was accepted by County Councillor Ali, subject to the inclusion of 'including social media' in resolution (i), with which County Councillor Green was in agreement, and became  the substantive motion.


The substantive motion, as amended by County Councillor Green's friendly amendment, was then put to the vote and was CARRIED. It was therefore:


Resolved: - That:


170,000 people carry the 'Just Can't Wait Card' across the Country including in Lancashire where the number is rising. Thousands of people across Lancashire suffer from illnesses/conditions which can be debilitating ranging from incontinence to stoma surgery. These conditions can lead to them needing the emergency use of toilet facilities urgently.


The Bladder and Bowel community have established the 'Just Can't Wait Toilet Scheme' which enables people to carry a card and enables businesses and organisations to allow emergency access to toilet facilities.


People have told the Bladder and Bowel Community that they are trapped in their own homes due to the lack of public toilets and the fear of being caught short. There are over 14 million people in the UK living with a bladder condition and 6.4 million with a bowel condition with thousands suffering across Lancashire desperately in need of emergency access to toilet facilities.


Therefore, this Council resolves:


(i)  That Lancashire County Council commits to a campaign, including social media, to raise awareness with its staff and across Lancashire of the 'Just Can't Wait Card' scheme and commits to making all Lancashire County Council public buildings, where practical, accessible for those carrying this card.

(ii)  To ask the Scrutiny Management Board to consider how we might further promote the scheme and request that the Leader makes the next Lancashire Leaders meeting aware of this motion by placing it on the agenda and asking them to give it their support.


3.  County Councillor Sue Whittam informed Full Council that her Notice of Motion in respect of Suicide Awareness in Schools was being deferred to the next meeting of Full Council.


4.  It was moved by County Councillor Tim Ashton and seconded by County Councillor Matthew Salter that:


Nature-based solutions in tackling the impacts of climate change


This authority notes the importance of nature-based solutions in tackling the impacts of climate change and the collaborative work with partner organisations needed to help with nature recovery and reducing emissions.


Lancashire County Council has recently helped restore 755 Hectares of peatland and planted 150,000 trees on its estate over the past decade. It is crucial we progress this work to help achieve our corporate priority to protect our environment and play our part in meeting the government commitment to net zero by 2050.


This authority resolves that the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change will:


(i)  Prepare a comprehensive strategy for nature recovery for Lancashire.

(ii)  Continue to work with partner organisations to build on the excellent work to date and prepare large-scale tree planning and peatland restoration programmes in Lancashire.

(iii)  Invite the Scrutiny Management Board to consider including engagement in the development of the strategy in the scrutiny work programme.


The following Amendment was proposed by County Councillor Mark Clifford and seconded by County Councillor Jackie Oakes:


At the end of (i) add "that contributes to achieving Lancashire's target of becoming carbon net zero by 2030".


Following a period of debate, and in accordance with Standing Order B45(4), a recorded vote was taken. The names of the county councillors who voted for or against the Motion and those who abstained are set out below:


For (25)























De Molfetta





Against (47)





Rigby, S












































Rigby, P




Abstain (0)


The Amendment was therefore LOST.


The substantive Motion was then put to the vote and was CARRIED. It was therefore:


Resolved: - That:


Nature-based solutions in tackling the impacts of climate change


This authority notes the importance of nature-based solutions in tackling the impacts of climate change and the collaborative work with partner organisations needed to help with nature recovery and reducing emissions.


Lancashire County Council has recently helped restore 755 Hectares of peatland and planted 150,000 trees on its estate over the past decade. It is crucial we progress this work to help achieve our corporate priority to protect our environment and play our part in meeting the government commitment to net zero by 2050.


This authority resolves that the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change will:


(i)  Prepare a comprehensive strategy for nature recovery for Lancashire.

(ii)  Continue to work with partner organisations to build on the excellent work to date and prepare large-scale tree planning and peatland restoration programmes in Lancashire.

(iii)  Invite the Scrutiny Management Board to consider including engagement in the development of the strategy in the scrutiny work programme.


Supporting documents: