Issue - decisions

Provision of Residential Disabled Parking Bays In Lancashire

11/11/2014 - Provision of Residential Disabled Parking Bays In Lancashire

County Councillor John Fillis, the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport gave approval to introduce the proposed Residential Disabled Parking Bay Policy as set out at Appendix 'C'.


04/11/2014 - Provision of Residential Disabled Parking Bays In Lancashire

The committee considered a report setting out a proposed revised and updated policy on  Residential Disabled Parking Bays. It was reported that the new policy took into account a number of emerging issues and was intended to ensure that the policy could fully address exceptions and appeals. It was also confirmed that it was intended to speed up the process of implementation and reduce cost through the use of advisory bays, with the option of  legally enforceable Traffic Regulation Orders being used where required.


Resolved:That the recommendations in the report to the cabinet member be noted and that no additional comments or suggested alternative recommendations be made