Issue - decisions

Strategic Internal Audit Plan: 2015/16, 2016/17 and Beyond

02/02/2016 - Strategic Internal Audit Plan: 2015/16, 2016/17 and Beyond

Ruth Lowry, Head of Service, Internal Audit, presented a report which explained the approach to establishing a strategic plan of work to be undertaken by the County Council's Internal Audit Service for 2015/16, 2016/17 and beyond. 


The Committee had previously been informed that  the Internal Audit Service would not complete a risk-based programme of work to support an overall opinion on the Council's framework of governance, risk management and control for 2015/16 but would focus its assurance work  on the council's centrally managed key financial systems, as set out at Appendix 'A'.  Details of the audit work around governance, risk management and control for 2016/17 and other areas of work which  may be added to the plan during 2016 and 2017, or could be considered for inclusion in the following years' plan were also presented at Appendix 'A'. 


A suggestion was made that the plan should include work on the Council's road safety service.  A view was also expressed that work around Public Health and Wellbeing Services should be a high priority to be followed by work around children's and adult's services.  It was noted that the plan would need to be flexible and that further work would be necessary to scope and timetable the planned audit work during 2016 and beyond.  Members were invited to suggest other areas of work that could be considered for inclusion in the plan. 


It was confirmed that that details of any significant amendments to the plan would be presented to the Committee for consideration.


Resolved: That the strategic internal audit plan, as now presented, be approved.