Issue - decisions

Risk and Opportunity Register - Quarter 4

10/04/2017 - Risk and Opportunity Register - Quarter 4

Paul Bond, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, presented the Quarter 4 report of the Risk and Opportunity Register to the Committee.


It was reported that additional information had been included in CR1 to reflect the additional funding for social care over the next three years.  It was confirmed that for Lancashire, this would equate to a total of £48m - £25m in 2017/18, £15m in 2018/19 and £8m in 2019/20.


CR24 Troubled Families – the risk score has increased due to the inability to achieve the National Troubled Families Unit targets.  It was reported that this was as a result of a six month delay to the service commencing.


CR27 Homecare Framework – the procurement process was reported to be underway and at the evaluation stage.  It was confirmed that the transition would be over a 12 month period to minimise disruption to service users.


Members were advised that at the last meeting of the Shadow Combined Authority it had been agreed that whilst Government had not yet confirmed their position on the establishment of a Combined Authority for Lancashire, the councils which were part of the shadow Combined Authority had agreed to continue to work together as they considered that this was in the best interests of the people of Lancashire


In relation to the PwC report, it was confirmed that a final report had not yet been received but that a meeting of the Political Governance Working Group meeting would be arranged in June to consider the matter.


Resolved: That the Quarter 4 Risk and Opportunity Register be noted.