Issue - decisions

Integrated Care System

10/02/2021 - Integrated Care System

Gary Raphael, Executive Director of Finance and Investment, Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care System, informed the Board of a proposed that regular updates on both the development of the plans (operational and strategic) during the year be provided.


The paper was intended to support the development of a strategic narrative for the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System by Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Bodies, Provider Trust Board and Local Authority leadership teams.  The paper also outlined the process of engagement on that narrative that is being undertaken.


The presentation in the agenda pack proposed that the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System endorses eight partnership priorities for changing the way we work as a system – priorities which enable explanation of our vision for future system working to our staff, patients, citizens and stakeholders and to set out how working in partnership will enable our most significant challenges to be tackled.


The plans were not only for the NHS to lead on however, they were to ensure a partnership approach when formulating and delivering them.  During the engagement process, comments, advice and recommendations were being sought from Councils and the public.


The Board welcomed the document and felt that this identified a role for the Local Authority as well as committing joint working teams across the Integrated Care System, Integrated Care Partnerships and at neighbourhood levels and going forward they would monitor the plan collectively.  The plan also needed to be aligned with the six principles that the Local Government Association, Directors of Adult Social Services, NHS Clinical Commissioners, NHS Providers, NHS Confederation and the Association of Directors of Public Health had recently signed up to.  The six principles were:


·  Collaborative leadership

·  Subsidiarity – decision-making as close to communities as possible

·  Building on existing, successful local arrangements

·  A person-centred and co-productive approach

·  A preventative, assets-based and population-health management approach

·  Achieving best value


Deadlines for the plan was for completion by the end of September with the Board signing it off following that.


With a deficit of £112 million, £20.5 billion had been put aside for the NHS over the next five years with £4.5 billion set aside for improving Primary and Community Care Services which was a big financial challenge for acute trusts.  Significant change will be required and Trusts have been looking to improve joint working and also take the same approach when working in specialisms.  There was still a significant amount of work to do.


It was anticipated that the Health and Wellbeing Board would come together as a system to challenge and form a high level of scrutiny of the proposals going forward.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


i)  Commented on the strategic narrative which had been developed by the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System.

ii)  Endorsed the strategic narrative document as the basis for the development of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System five year plan.

iii)  Endorsed in principle the eight priorities within the document, subject to the outcomes of a proposed engagement process.

iv)  Endorsed the proposed engagement process with patients, citizens, staff and wider partners and support the actions required to deliver it effectively.

v)  Supported the further system development work now being arranged in respect of provider collaboration, commissioning and partnership between local authorities and the NHS.