Issue - decisions

Better Care Fund Progress

10/02/2021 - Better Care Fund Progress

Louise Taylor, Executive Director for Adult Services and Health and Wellbeing, Lancashire County Council gave an update to the Board on:


Better Care Fund Metrics


·  Residential and nursing home admissions continued to fall but at a much lower rate than previously. They remained much higher than the national average.

·  Reablement continued to be successful with increasing take up and consistently high success.

·  Non elective admissions continued to exceed target and have seen a year on year increase for the last three years.

·  Delayed Transfers of Care were considerably lower for 2018/19 than 2017/18 but performance had deteriorated over recent quarters.


BCF planning and Finances


Despite the delay in publication of Better Care Fund planning guidance partners were making progress in confirming local plans across health and social care.


Confirmation of the level of contributions to the fund was also delayed. An additional element of the Better Care Fund for 2019/20 would be the Winter Pressures Grant of £5.5m for Lancashire. Partners had discussed and agreed the spending plan for this.


Advancing Integration


A high level of joint working had resulted in significant progress in designing a model for making integration across health and social care happen. The model provides the structure to manage the Better Care Fund, the Intermediate Care Review and integration as a whole. It was proposed that the Better Care Fund steering group was replaced by the Advancing Integration Board, to take on this wider responsibility while remaining accountable to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


(i)  Noted the Better Care Fund performance against the required metrics.

(ii)  Noted the planning and financial arrangements for the Better Care fund in 2019/2020.

(iii)  Noted the work to date on Advancing Integration across health and social care using the Better Care Fund as an enabler.

(iv)  Approved the development of the Advancing Integration Board.

(v)  Approved the creation of the Advancing Integration transformation team.

(vi)  Approved the approach to Advancing Integration based around levels of neighbourhoods, districts, Integrated Care Partnerships and the Integrated Care System.