Issue - decisions

Appointment of Honorary Alderman and Honorary Alderwoman

25/07/2019 - Appointment of Honorary Alderman and Honorary Alderwoman

It was moved by County Councillor Keith Iddon and seconded by County Councillor John Fillis:


That having regard to the eminent services rendered to Lancashire County Council over a long period by former County Councillors Tony Jones and Niki Penney, the County Council confers on them the title of Honorary Alderman of the County Council and Honorary Alderwoman of the County Council respectively.


The Motion was then supported by County Councillors Tony Martin, David Whipp, Paul Hayhurst and other Members of the County Council. Upon being put to the vote, the Motion was carried.


Resolved: - That having regard to the eminent services rendered to Lancashire County Council over a long period by former County Councillors Tony Jones and Niki Penney, the County Council confers on them the title of Honorary Alderman of the County Council and Honorary Alderwoman of the County Council respectively.


The Chairman of the County Council then presented certificates to Honorary Alderman Tony Jones and Honorary Alderwoman Niki Penney who each thanked the Members of the County Council for the honour bestowed upon them.