Issue - decisions

DC Com Rep LCC/2019/0015 Harrisons Farm

04/02/2021 - Chorley Borough: application number LCC/2019/0015<br/>Installation of 3 control kiosks, pressure balance stack, ground re-profiling and access track, on land to south of Harrisons Farm, Old School Lane, Adlington, Chorley<br/>

A report was presented on application for the installation of 3 control kiosks, pressure balance stack, ground re-profiling and access track, on land to south of Harrisons Farm, Old School Lane, Adlington, Chorley.


The report included the views of Chorley Borough Council, Adlington Town Council, the Environment Agency, the Coal Authority, the Lead Local Flood Authority, the County Archaeology Service and the County Ecology Service. It was noted that no letters of representation had been received.


The Development Management Officer presented a PowerPoint Presentation showing an aerial view of the site and the nearest residential properties. The committee was also shown a site layout plan, illustrations showing the proposed building elevations and landscaping and photographs of the site and approach roads.


The officer reported orally that Lancashire County Council's Highways had raised no objection to the use of Park Road, The Common and Old School Lane by construction traffic but had submitted the following comments:


·  Although Park Road is sufficiently wide to allow HGVs to pass, the width of the carriageway is often restricted by on street parking on both sides but the gap remaining is still adequate to allow HGVs to pass.

·  Adlington Primary School is located on the access route and deliveries and construction traffic and should be avoided during school pick up and drop - off periods and the applicant should ensure material transport takes place during school holiday times.

·  The access route involves crossing White Bear Canal Bridge which is inspected by LCC at regular intervals. In 1997 cracking was noted to the structure of the bridge but this does not appear to have worsened in subsequent surveys. In view of this and the nature of the other roads to be used, it is considered that appropriate conditions should be attached to any permission requiring an assessment of vibration impacts.

·  The width of Old School Lane is also considered to be insufficient to accommodate two passing HGVs. Measures should therefore be put forward to safeguard ease of access including pruning some of the tree branches to facilitate HGV access.


A condition was also requested regarding wheel cleaning and restricting the access to the site via Old School Lane.


The following condition was therefore proposed:


15. Prior to the commencement of development, a construction and traffic management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The management plan shall include provision for the following:-


a)  The undertaking of a road condition survey of Park Road, The Common and Old School Lane prior to the commencement of development the results of which shall be submitted to the County Planning Authority. The survey shall be repeated within six months of the completion of the development. The surveys shall identify the condition of the above roads including structural defects in the highway surface and any related structures

b)  A traffic management plan to include details for the routing of construction traffic to the site, details for how hauliers will be instructed on the routing and timing of vehicle movements and signage to inform drivers of the approved access and egress routes.

c)  The measures to be taken to ensure the safe movement of HGVs along School Lane including any tree works required.


The works included within the approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the commencement of the development and maintained throughout the duration of construction works.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to conform with Policy DM2 of the Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan.


The Committee noted that a condition was already proposed regarding wheel cleaning (no. 11) and the above condition (no.15) dealt with the control of HGV routing to the site.


The Committee also noted that it was proposed to modify the wording of condition 9 to prevent the movement of heavy good vehicles along Park Road, Adlington between 0830 to 0915 hours and 1500 to 1545 hours. However, following further discussion it was Moved and Seconded that:


"The wording of condition 9 be modified to prevent the movement of heavy good vehicles along Park Road, Adlington between0830 to 0930 hours and 1430 to 1530 hours."


On being put to the vote the Motion was Carried whereupon it was:


Resolved: That subject to the inclusion of the additional condition (15) above and the amendment to condition 9 above, planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in the report to the Committee.