Issue - decisions

Report of the Health Scrutiny Steering Group

01/10/2020 - Report of the Health Scrutiny Steering Group

The committee considered a report providing an overview of matters considered by the Health Scrutiny Steering Group at its meetings on 22 June and 15 July 2020.


Councillor Margaret France expressed that as a member of the Council of Governors for the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and a member of the Our Health Our Care Stakeholder Reference Panel, there may be a conflict of interest if she were to be confirmed as a member of the proposed task and finish group to consider forthcoming proposals from the local NHS on the future of Chorley and South Ribble A&E. It was explained that Chorley Council's nominated substitute member for Councillor France could take up the seat instead or alternatively for the county council to write to Chorley Council to nominate a replacement member. Resolved That:


1)  The report of the Steering Group, as presented, be received.


2)  The establishment of a task and finish group consisting of seven county councillors and the two co-opted members from Chorley Council and South Ribble Council to review the forthcoming proposals from the Our Health Our Care programme on the future of Chorley and South Ribble A&E, be agreed.