Issue - decisions

West Lancashire Borough: application number LCC/2019/0028
Proposed reprofiling of former landfill site using imported inert materials including new access. Former Parbold Hill Quarry, Parbold Hill, Parbold

04/02/2021 - West Lancashire Borough: application number LCC/2019/0028<br/>Proposed reprofiling of former landfill site using imported inert materials including new access. Former Parbold Hill Quarry, Parbold Hill, Parbold

A report was presented on the above application in relation to the former Parbold Hill Quarry, Parbold Hill, Parbold.


The Committee was reminded that a report on the application had been considered at the meeting of the Development Control Committee on 23rd September 2020.  At that meeting, members had resolved to defer consideration of the application to allow a site visit to take place. The site visit took place on 12th October 2020.


The updated report provided a summary of the submissions that were made under the public speaking rules, further representations that had been received since the report to the 23rd September Committee was prepared and officer advice in relation to such.


The Officer reported orally that since the report had been finalised, a further submission has been received from the Stop Parbold Hill Landfill Group and a member of the public whose written submission was read out at the previous meeting. Further details and advice in relation to such was set out in the Update Sheet at agenda Item 4.


It was reported that a number of comments had been made by committee members during the site visit regarding the speed limits that should be applied on the A5209 past the site entrance and the possibility of having traffic lights to control HGV movements out of the access.


These issues were raised with LCC Highways (further details set out in the Update Sheet). However, the Members concerns were noted and it was therefore considered that condition 12 should be supplemented by a new part d) as follows:


'd)   An investigation of the need for temporary traffic lights or other traffic control methods to enhance safety for HGVs emerging from the site entrance.'


Officers responded to questions from the Members with regard to leachate generation, the risk of water pollution and highway safety.


Following further debate it was Moved and Seconded that:


"The application be refused"


On being put to the vote, the Motion was Lost on the casting vote of the Chair.


It was further Moved and Seconded that:


"The officer recommendation as set out in the report, be approved subject to the supplement to Condition 12 as set out above and an amendment to Condition 15 (second part) to reduce the hours of operations from 09.00 – 16.00 hours Mondays to Fridays."


On being put to the vote, the amendment was Carried. It was therefore:


Resolved:  That subject to the amendments to conditions 12 and 15 as set out above and to the applicant first entering into a Section 106 Agreement in relation to the promotion of the traffic regulation order process and an extension to the aftercare period, planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in the report to the Committee.