Issue - decisions

Chorley Borough: application number LCC/2020/0003
To vary condition 2 of planning permissions 09/05/0018, 09/13/0133, LCC/2015/0014, LCC/2016/0059 to allow for the continuation of phased extraction of sand and gravel and infilling of inert wastes

04/02/2021 - Chorley Borough: application number LCC/2020/0003<br/>To vary condition 2 of planning permissions 09/05/0018, 09/13/0133, LCC/2015/0014, LCC/2016/0059 to allow for the continuation of phased extraction of sand and gravel and infilling of inert wastes

A report was presented on an application to vary condition 2 of planning permissions 09/05/0018, 09/13/0133, LCC/2015/0014 and LCC/2016/0059 to allow for the continued extraction of sand and gravel and infilling of inert wastes for restoration purposes back to agriculture and conservation until 31 December 2030 and for recycling operations to continue until 31 December 2029 at Sandons Farm Quarry, Sandy Lane, Adlington, Chorley.


The report included the views of Chorley Borough Council, Adlington Town Council, Lancashire County Council's Landscape Service, Ecology Service and Highways Development Control, the Environment Agency, the Canal and River Trust and details of 10 letters of representation received objecting to the proposal. These included letters from County Councillor Kim Snape, and Chorley Borough Councillors Peter Wilson, Graham Dunn and June Molyneaux.


The Development Management Officer presented a PowerPoint presentation showing an aerial view of the site and the nearest residential properties. The Committee was also shown illustrations of the restoration plan and the culvert plan together with photographs of the site and access roads from various viewpoints.


The officer advised of an amendment to page 55 of the advice section of the report and that the date given for the completion of the culvert and manhole works should read 31st December 2021 to match with the date stated in condition 28.


The Committee was reminded that as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, members of the public who had formally requested to speak at the committee meeting and who met the criteria, had been invited to give their views in the form of a written statement to be read out in full by officers at the meeting. An officer therefore read out a written statement on behalf of Mr KM, a local resident, and County Councillor Kim Snape (copy set out at Annex A to the Update Sheet). The local resident also provided a number of photographs with his written submission.


Officers responded to questions raised by the Members with regard to the concerns raised in the report and written submissions with regard to the time extension, the impact on residential amenity and flooding issues.


Following further debate with regard to the flooding issues and impact of the quarrying operations on culvert number 133 that passes under the canal and into the site, it was Moved and Seconded that:


"The application be deferred pending the submission of a scheme and programme for a technical investigation to assess whether it is feasible and necessary for the proposed culvert to be increased to 900mm."


On being put to the vote the Motion was Lost.


Following further debate, it was Moved and Seconded that:


"The application be approved subject to an amendment to Condition 28 to require the submission of a scheme and programme for a technical investigation to assess whether it is feasible and necessary for the proposed culvert to be increased not only from 650mm to 750mm but to 900mm."


On being put to the vote, the Motion was Carried. A condition to reflect the motion passed by the Committee has been drafted by officers and is currently being discussed with the applicant. 


Resolved: Thatsubject to the amendment to condition 28 as outlined above and to the applicant first entering into a Section 106 Agreement for an updated aftercare management plan including landscaping, habitats and public access for a period of 15 years, planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in the report to the committee.