Issue details

Woodplumpton Village Traffic Calming Scheme - Approval of Traffic Regulation Orders

The proposed Woodplumpton Village Traffic Calming Scheme consists of a series of road humps through the village and one chicane along Woodplumpton Road.  There will also be a kerbed buildout outside Woodplumpton primary school incorporating a raised table with priority for northbound traffic, a road closure of Whittle Hill (prohibition of driving) at the junction of Whittle Hill and Newsham Hall Lane including a turning head, a new 20mph limit through the village of Woodplumpton, a new 30mph on Newsham Hall Lane, and a change of priorities at the junction of Woodplumpton Road and Newsham Hall Lane.


This report highlights the objections to the recent consultation for the Speed Limit Order, Road Humps, Chicane and the closure of Whittle Hill.


The parish council supports the scheme.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: Preston Rural;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/10/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part I  -

Decision due: 6 Oct 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Lead director: Director of Highways and Transport

Department: Growth, Environment and Planning

Contact: Richard Askew Email:


Agenda items