Agenda item

West Lancashire Borough: application number LCC/2021/0022 Formation of a multi-use games area - West Lancashire Community High School, School Lane, Chapel House, Skelmersdale


A report was presented on an application for the formation of a multi-use games area at West Lancashire Community High School, School Lane, Chapel House, Skelmersdale.


It was reported that the proposed multi-use games area was required to address a short fall of hard play area, which limited the amount of outdoor physical education and sports/games that could take place. The playing fields could not be used for most of the year as they were waterlogged and took a long time to dry out to a usable standard. The multi-use games area would provide additional hard play area and encourage pupils to participate

in more outdoor activities. The facility would also be available to neighbouring schools and the local community.


The report included the views of West Lancashire Borough Council, the Coal Authority, LCC Highways Development Control, Lead Local Flood Authority, Sport England and United Utilities, and details of 5 representations received comprising 4 objections and one letter of support.


The officer drew attention to the Update Sheet which contained confirmation from Sport England that their objection to the application had been withdrawn, following further information being submitted to them in relation to the need for the games area, the parking issues and the issues with the current playing field. Committee were informed that this would remove the requirement to refer the application to the Secretary of State.


The Development Management Officer presented a Powerpoint presentation showing an aerial view of the application site, the nearest residential properties and proposed multi-use games area, path and gates. The Committee were also shown photographs of the site, the view from the nearest houses on School Lane and the existing multi-use games area which was currently used as a car park.


County Councillor Cullens asked whether any mitigations would be put in place to camouflage the multi-use games area at each end in order to deflect noise to the local residential areas. It was reported that the current playing field was also used by the local community and that the multi-use games area would have fencing surrounding it to reduce noise levels and that it was a fair distance to the nearest residential properties.


In response to CC Cullens' question about the working hours, it was confirmed that the school had requested the specified opening hours. Sport England had asked for a Scheme to be submitted on how the site could be accessed and controlled including hours of use and how the school would control access out of school hours.


County Councillor Potter had noted that the games area would be open until 8.00pm but that no floodlighting had been proposed which would restrict use in the winter months. It was reported that the school wanted to maximise the use of the multi-use games area over the summer.


Resolved: That subject to the additions of Conditions 8 and 9 as set out in the Update Sheet at Item 4 of the agenda, planning permission be granted, subject to conditions controlling time limits, working programme, building materials and drainage, as set out in the Committee report.


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