Agenda item

Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Priorities and Next Steps

To note the feedback from the workshops and discuss the priorities and proposed next steps of the Board.


John Morrissy, Director of Organisational Development and Change, Lancashire County Council gave a presentation (attached to the minutes) to the Board following three workshops sessions that had been held during Autumn 2021 where engagement with key stakeholders took place on how the Board could be further developed and strengthened.


The presentation provided an overview of the outcomes from the workshop sessions and further information was provided on:


·  Recap and Feedback – Key themes and messages emerging from the workshop discussion.

·  Responding to Feedback – Strategic actions and initial continuous improvement priorities.

·  Operating differently – Suggestion that the Board should focus on three key elements:

  i)  Better Start in Life

  ii)  Healthy Hearts

  iii)  Healthy Minds

And in doing so, the Board should encourage all partners to ensure the Board are linking its priorities to all of the available policy levers.

·  Moving from ambition to delivery – Key requirements/elements that require resources to support the three key areas:

  i)  Board development

  ii)  System improvement

  iii)  Community engagement

·  Draft vision and purpose (based on staff/partners engagement so far)

·  Initial priorities for a Better Start in Life, Healthy Hearts and Healthy Minds:

Ø  Achieving the best start in life for all our children and young people.

Ø  Prevention and early detection of long term conditions and their root causes.

Ø  Promoting wellbeing in Lancashire's communities, workplaces and economy.

·  Governance and meetings – particularly place-based locations wherever possible, so that the Board can benefit from lived experience and successful examples.  Also the format of Board meetings going forward, should look at:

Ø  Bringing together data and analysis to illustrate an issue.

Ø  Experiencing examples of successful approaches.

Ø  Identifying rapid solutions which can be developed and scaled.

·  Proposed next steps:

Ø  Development of implementation plan and ongoing engagement.

Ø  Identify continuous improvement support capacity.

Ø  Refresh the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy using the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and the Health Equality Commission (HEC).


Following the presentation, comments received from members of the Board, were that in terms of structure and the current COVID pandemic, which has raised further concerns with Long COVID, mental health, loss and grief within communities as well as economy, would this be something the Board could pursue.  It was noted that the priorities identified were immediate, whilst still in the pandemic and that there will be a continuous programme of work on understanding how health and wellbeing has been affected over the last two years, in particular the economy and environment and will require a joint action approach of which, this is just the start of it.


County Councillor Sue Whittam, Lead Member for Health commented that it was clear from the workshops that people wanted a fresh approach to the Board and that visiting communities and districts, to witness some of the work in practice and see the outcomes that are going to make a real difference to residents in Lancashire would be beneficial in the Board moving forwards.


David Blacklock, Healthwatch Lancashire indicated that they would be willing and able to support the reaching out to communities and carrying out engagement activities and suggested that Board members could take responsibility and accountability for particular issues or topics and drive an agenda forward.  Also, it was reported that Healthwatch has been working with local citizens and the NHS on creating a new model of engaging in the five local areas that the NHS work on and are about to establish some Health and Care Forums which are about having regular ongoing dialogue with local communities about the big issues that matter to them around health and care and that it would be useful to join these up with the Board to avoid duplication.


It was noted that it was crucially important to find more effective ways of working together as partners and as members of the Board moving forwards and being able to focus very much on outcomes whether it be in the short or long term.


Discussion took place about moving Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board out into the communities and districts of Lancashire and that this was an important aspect of the Board moving forwards in having an opportunity to go to parts of the County where there was some really good practice taking place so that lessons can be learned and replicated elsewhere in Lancashire or where there is a particular issue that needs to be addressed as a collective and allows the Board to take action collectively.  As agreed in the Terms of Reference, it states that "Meetings will be held at County Hall, Preston, unless otherwise agreed by the Board".  There were no objections to this taking place.


The Chair also formally noted his thanks to all former members of the Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board, who have made a difference for the people of Lancashire throughout their time as members on the Board.


Resolved:  That Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board:


i)  Noted the update from the workshops held in Autumn 2021.

ii)  Noted the Lancashire Health and Wellbeing priorities and next steps.

iii)  Agreed to hold meetings outside of County Hall as often as possible.


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