Agenda item

Lancashire Better Care Fund End of Year Report 2021/22

To receive the Lancashire Better Care Fund End of Year Report for 2021/22.



Paul Robinson, Senior Programme Manager, NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit presented the report on the Lancashire Better Care Fund End of Year Report 2021/22.  The approval of the Lancashire Better Care Fund 2021/22 was ratified by the Health and Wellbeing Board at its meeting on 8 March 2022.


The Board noted that the report reflects a period of significant volatility within the Health and Social care system.  It shows that the Better Care Fund plan has continued relatively unchanged from the previous year and has support the Covid pandemic response.


They were also informed that whilst the Better Care Fund conditions have been met, financial performance was as planned and there had been significant successes achieved in its delivery and the report highlighted significant challenges and potential tensions across health and social care as each respond to high demand, increasing costs and factors such as challenging workforce planning and market development.


It was outlined that performance as measured through the Better Care Fund metrics was mixed and skewed due to the pandemic response.  A longer-term view of the performance was required to see true impact.


Also detailed in the report was the Better Care Fund respondents to the end of year questionnaire approach having highlighted Successes and Challenges in delivering the Better Care Fund that can be used in the ongoing discussion on the aspiration of better integration of health and social care.


The Board noted that the national conditions have been met, as addressed in the report circulated with the agenda.


The Board were presented with the new set of Better Care Fund metrics introduced in 2021/22.  The broader summary including exploration of the challenges faced and achievements made in addressing the new set of metrics is provided at Appendix 'A'.  The Board were asked to note that following discussion with Louise Taylor (Executive Director for Adult Services, Health and Wellbeing, Lancashire County Council) residential care admissions were not on track to meet target, with residential care admissions per 100,000 population over 65 years of age at 732.6.  The reasons for this included the effects of the pandemic and being wary of allowing residents to enter care homes, home care availability and a backlog.


Following the presentation, the Board highlighted the following points/issues:


·  There has been a significant uplift in the number of attendances of Lancashire Fire and Rescue via Telecare systems which is welcomed, as this is hopefully preventing somebody entering the health/social care system. However, it was queried whether the £6m funding was sufficient or whether there should be further work looking at the expansion of the Telecare system across Lancashire.  Paul Robinson commented that advice has been received and there would be an increase in funding of 5.66% in the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) minimum contributions to the Better Care Fund, and that this should be reflected in increase with each element.

·  A request was made by the Board for a development session to provide them with greater insight into the Better Care Fund. 

·  The level of residential care admissions had fallen due to the pandemic and therefore target setting was more challenging

·  The Board were also informed that there was ongoing involvement with districts on the Better Care Fund to help prevent people entering hospital and the care system.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


(i)  Approved the submission of the Lancashire Better Care Fund End of Year Report for 2021/22.

(ii)  Requested a report on future Better Care Fund planning requirements once these are known.

(iii)  Noted the national intention for the Better Care Fund to continue into 2023 to support implementation of the new approach to integration at place level.

(iv)  That Paul Robinson, Senior Programme Manager, NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit would liaise with Louise Taylor, Executive Director for Adult Services and Health and Wellbeing, Lancashire County Council and arrange a development session on the Better Care Fund for members of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and also invite colleagues from Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool and South Cumbria, as soon as possible.

(v)  That a report to a future Board on work that is ongoing with Districts in supporting people to help prevent them entering the health/social care systems.


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