Agenda item

Woodplumpton Village Traffic Calming Scheme - Approval of Traffic Regulation Orders


Cabinet considered a report on the proposed Woodplumpton Village Traffic Calming Scheme. It was noted that the proposed scheme consisted of a series of road humps through the village and one chicane along Woodplumpton Road. The report also highlighted the objections received to the recent consultation for the Speed Limit Order, Road Humps, Chicane and the closure of Whittle Hill.


Resolved: That approval be given for the proposals on Woodplumpton Road, Whittle Hill and Newsham Hall Lane, as set out in the report and in the Draft Orders and depicted on the plans as follows:


  • Road humps and chicanes (Appendices 'A' to 'C'). 
  • 20mph and 30mph Speed Limit Order (Appendices 'D' and 'E').
  • Prohibition of Stopping on School Keep Clear area and Prohibition of Waiting Order (Appendices 'F' and 'G').
  • Prohibition of Driving (Appendixes 'H' and& 'I').

Supporting documents: